
Becoming and nurturing the officer class

Becoming and Nurturing the Officer Class Some people have the attributes that we admire and strive to get. Who are these people, what are these attributes and how can we achieve them?

Introduction to cert-manager

Managing TLS (Transport Layer Security) X.509 certificates have always been a challenge. They are an even bigger challenge with kubernetes. Here is a video I made to show how the cert-manager project can help.

Using NATS Jetstream With Go

Here is a video presentation I made on the subject.

How NATS with Jetstream addresses network connectivity issues

Here is a video I made demonstrating how NATS with Jetstream addresses intermittent network connectivity issues.

Introduction to Nats

Here is a video overview of NATS.

Getting Started With Embedded Systems Programming

There is no subtitute for understanding the datasheet.

Interactive Development on Small Microcontrollers

How STM8ef Forth can be used in space-constrained MCUs.

A tribute to my mentors at SBC

People at Singapore Broadcasting Corporation who contributed to my career.

Overstudying Blocks Effective Learning

How to recognize if you are over studying and learn effectively.

Life Lessons From a Bunch of Bananas

3 Important life lessons easily be understood using a bunch of bananas as an analogy.