
RAG: Retrieval Augmented Generation

Retrieval Augmented Generation is a technique to enhance the relevance of the generated output of Large Language Models.

How to nurture kindness

How to Nurture Kindness: A lesson from Confucius What is kindness? Can kindness be nurtured? How to be a kind person and nurture kindness? Is being kind naive? In this article I will try to attempt to answer these questions.

Safely Bicycling Lornie Highway

Connecting Bukit Timah and Bishan/Marymount. Use Kheam Hock road to access Lornie Highway. Cycle on the sidewalk adjacent to Lornie Highway towards (with traffic) / from (against traffic) Thomson or Braddell Roads.

Morals from Chinese Stories: The importance of keeping our word to others

Like Aesop’s fables, many Chinese stories teach morals. Being trustworthy is one of the most important morals to many Chinese. They disdain people who cannot be trusted. From a young age, children are taught that their word is their bond.

Life lessons from Aesop’s Fable ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse’

What is the moral behind this fable? This is one version of the story. Could Aesop have made a mistake? What if the story had a different version, a different ending?

Life Lessons From Aesop’s Fable ‘The Tortoise and the Hare'

What are the morals in the story? What happened after the race? What and how can we benefit if we ask questions and consider things from other points. Aesop’s Fable ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ The fable: Once there lived a tortoise and a hare.

How to Raise an Honest Child and Have Win Win Interactions

Do you have difficulty teaching honesty to children? Why do children lie? Why do we lie? Read this article to learn how to teach honesty, prevent lying and have win-win interactions.

Life Lessons From Aesop's Fable "the Fox and the Grapes"

Is there more than one moral in the story? Did Aesop misunderstand the fox? Is there only one way to interpret the fox? What and how can we benefit if we ask questions and consider things from other points.

Life Lessons From a Half Empty Glass of Water

Have we misunderstood the significance of looking at that half glass of water? Is it always better to see the glass as half full as compared to half empty? What and how can we benefit if we see things from the half empty glass perspective?

Understanding the Maligned Kungfu Masters and gain Life Lessons

Have we misunderstood the Kungfu Master? What are the repercussions of this misunderstanding? How and what can we benefit if we see things from another perspective? The Kungfu Master and Survival My knowledge of Kungfu is from Chinese movies and dramas.